Donald’s adventures in Disneyland.

Today, I read the transcript of Trump’s inauguration speech, and of course it was the expected message of hope to the believers in He as messiah on a mission from God to save ‘merica from lefties and they-them.

All good and fine, the ‘mericans can elect whoever they please, but sadly decisions made in the White House, affect us all. “Drill baby drill,” said the billionaire real-estate agent, and without giving attribution for the drill baby, to hell with the Paris accord, and the good folks can decide which car they buy.

It’s what everyone with half a brain feared, that Trump who pointed to the United States “winning two world wars,” but not mentioning it got its butt kicked in every war since, resides in Disneyland. Jean Baudrillard wrote that Disneyland exists to hide the fact the United States itself is Disneyland.

There is one known-known and it is that this planet of ours is exiting the temperature bracket within which most life, and that includes the human variant of monkey, can exist. “Drill baby drill,” sounds moronic and is moronic. Below is a graph of global average air temperature, and as you can see 2025 is off to a flying start to again be ‘hottest on record.’

Surface temperature is already higher than at this time last year.

Graphs taken from Climate Reanalyser.

Sea surface temperature is starting from a bit lower than last year, but it’s heading up.

As a species we face the greatest challenge of our two-hundred-thousand year presence on this planet. We need to literally re-invent civilization, and now is not a time for babies drilling. It will be difficult, but were I to quote in this context a great American president, it would be Roosevelt who in 1933 said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Back at the ranch – ah stop it – back in the land down under, there has been more graffiti and other vandalism targeting Jewish property. It’s all anti-Semitic, Rupert’s paperboys are screaming evil, and presented as unjustifiably causing pain and suffering to the righteous persecuted. No one has been arrested and convicted beyond reasonable doubt, but our politicians for sure know who is responsible despite there been no advantage to be gained by those opposing the slaughter of children. There is talk of hefty mandatory punishments, and our prime minister has agreed to hold a meeting to discuss the government’s response. He also said the pro-Palestinian persons must remain calm during the ceasefire, sort of implying he knows who sneaked out on a moonless night to spray rude things on a wall. I’ve been to many protests and never saw anything other than Australians coming together to peacefully protest against genocide. It’s disturbing, and it shows how screwed up things are, that we even need to protest against a genocide.

Social cohesion.

Some Australian politicians claim our weekly demos threaten ‘social cohesion.’ Below are two pictures taken at today’s demo, and perfect examples of the shocking threat to our beautiful multicultural society.

I hope I’m wrong, but with this ceasefire I smell a putrid rat.

Continue the fight.

Not holding my breath waiting for this ceasefire to come into effect. Netanyahu and his cronies have sabotaged peace efforts many times before. Hope I’m wrong and the murder stops.

In my little universe the greatest challenge is there’s not much happening and not much to do aside from keeping the yacht from deteriorating any further, read books and continue research into the neurology of trauma and memory. Actually I think I’ve gone about as far as possible without calling in a neurologist who specializes in that type of disorder. I feel I’ve talked too much about this and should say I’ve resolved what needed to be resolved, and with that understanding, just leave it. But I have this sense of having a duty to pass on what I found, which I’m finding annoying at this late stage in life when you know time remaining is limited.

Alone and with many who would see you dead. It would be easy to give up, but you see a Palestinian child with hands and feet amputated, likely without anesthetic, would he not be justified in believing Allah was not on his side, that hell did not wait for his downfall? (Motorhead, God was never on your side.)

If life appears too hard and you have lost the drive to fight for yourself, then fight for the little fellow, and all children now and into the future. victims of war and climate inaction.

Death of Daud and Farraj. Death of T. E. Lawrence.

I said I’d make a few comments about Lawrence’s telling of the years he spent fighting alongside the Arabs in WWI. I haven’t quite finished his book, but thought I’d explain why I found the manner of his death ironic, if that’s the right word.

As I mentioned, the closeness between men in a combat situation often leads to intense friendships and in the case of Lawrence one was his relationship with two Bedouin boys whose names were Daud and Farraj. In his book Lawrence writes he was hesitant to take them as servants, but the boys insisting he accepted, and quickly became fond of them. I read elsewhere they were orphans who had been inseparable friends since childhood. They were servants and combatants, but also pranksters who kept everyone amused with stunts such as taking the cream-colored camel of an Arab tribal leader and dying the animal’s head red and its legs blue. Lawrence saved them from whatever punishment was planned for the two whom the tribal chief had locked in a metal cage.

Daud died by drowning whilst crossing a river, believed to be the Jordan, and his death caused Farraj to slip into deep depression.

In a later action to take and destroy a railway bridge held by the Turks, Farraj galloped ahead, and despite calls to stop and shots fired over his head, he continued. Below is how Lawrence describes what followed.

I was very anxious about Farraj. His camel stood unharmed by the bridge, alone. He might be hit, or might be following the enemy. I could not believe that he had deliberately ridden up to them in the open and halted; yet it looked like it. I sent Feheyd to the Zaagi and told him to rush along the far side as soon as possible, whilst we went at a fast trot straight to the bridge.

We reached it together, and found there one dead Turk, and Farraj terribly wounded through the body, lying by the arch just as he had fallen from his camel. He looked unconscious; but, when we dismounted, greeted us, and then fell silent, sunken in that loneliness which came to hurt men who believed death near. We tore his clothes away and looked uselessly at the wound. The bullet had smashed right through him, and his spine seemed injured. The Arabs said at once that he had only a few hours to live.

We tried to move him, for he was helpless, though he showed no pain. We tried to stop the wide, slow bleeding, which made poppy-splashes in the the grass; but it seemed impossible, and after a while he told us to let him alone, as he was dying, and happy to die, since he had no care of life. Indeed, for long he had been so, and men very tired and sorry often fell in love with death, with that triumphed weakness coming home after strength has been vanquished in a last battle.

While we fussed about him Abd el Latif shouted an alarm. He could see fifty Turks working up the line towards us, and soon after a motor trolley coming from the north. We were only sixteen men, and had an impossible position. I said we must retire at once, carrying Farraj with us, They tried to lift him, first in his cloak, afterwards in a blanket; but consciousness was coming back, and he screamed so pitifully that we had not the heart to hurt him more.

We could not leave him where he was, to the Turks, because we had seen them burn alive our hapless wounded. For this reason we were all agreed, before action, to finish off one another, if badly hurt: but I had never realized that it might fall to me to kill Farraj.

I knelt down beside him, holding my pistol near the ground by his head, so that he should not see my purpose; but he must have guessed it, for he opened his eyes, and clutched me with his harsh scaly hand, the tiny hand of these unripe Nejd fellows. I waited a moment, and he said, ‘Daud will be angry with you,’ the old smile coming back so strangely to his grey shrinking face. I replied, ‘Salute him from me.’ He returned the formal answer, ‘God will give you peace,’ and at last wearily closed his eyes.

It is known Lawrence never recovered emotionally from the deaths of Daud and Farraj. He also carried the guilt of having lied to the Arabs about whether British assurances with regard to they creating a self-governing Arab state after defeating the Turks, could be trusted. In his book he often refers to himself as a fraud. Reflecting on this he wrote,

Yet I cannot put down my acquiescence in the Arab fraud to weakness of character or native hypocrisy: though of course I must have had some tendency, some aptitude, for deceit, or I would not have deceived men so well, and persisted for two years in bringing to success a deceit which others had framed and set afoot. I had had no concern with the Arab Revolt in the beginning. In the end I was responsible for it being an embarrassment to the inventors. Where exactly in the interim my guilt passed from accessory to principal, upon what headings I should be condemned, were not for me to say. Suffice it that since the march to Akaba I bitterly repented my entanglement in the movement, with a bitterness sufficient to corrode my inactive hours, but insufficient to make me cut myself clear of it. Hence the wobbling of my will, and endless, vapid complainings.

The Arab fraud was the secret 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement between France and Britain defining how they would divide the Middle East between them once the Ottoman Empire was defeated. Contrary to what many have claimed, Lawrence was well aware of that agreement. The troubles in the Middle East today can be traced back, in part, to the treachery of the British and French during World War One.

In 1936, and aged 46, returning home from his military base, Lawrence was riding his motorcycle at recklessly high speed, and over a crest had to swerve to avoid two boys on bicycles, he crashed, and died of his injuries.