Donald’s adventures in Disneyland.

Today, I read the transcript of Trump’s inauguration speech, and of course it was the expected message of hope to the believers in He as messiah on a mission from God to save ‘merica from lefties and they-them.

All good and fine, the ‘mericans can elect whoever they please, but sadly decisions made in the White House, affect us all. “Drill baby drill,” said the billionaire real-estate agent, and without giving attribution for the drill baby, to hell with the Paris accord, and the good folks can decide which car they buy.

It’s what everyone with half a brain feared, that Trump who pointed to the United States “winning two world wars,” but not mentioning it got its butt kicked in every war since, resides in Disneyland. Jean Baudrillard wrote that Disneyland exists to hide the fact the United States itself is Disneyland.

There is one known-known and it is that this planet of ours is exiting the temperature bracket within which most life, and that includes the human variant of monkey, can exist. “Drill baby drill,” sounds moronic and is moronic. Below is a graph of global average air temperature, and as you can see 2025 is off to a flying start to again be ‘hottest on record.’

Surface temperature is already higher than at this time last year.

Graphs taken from Climate Reanalyser.

Sea surface temperature is starting from a bit lower than last year, but it’s heading up.

As a species we face the greatest challenge of our two-hundred-thousand year presence on this planet. We need to literally re-invent civilization, and now is not a time for babies drilling. It will be difficult, but were I to quote in this context a great American president, it would be Roosevelt who in 1933 said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Back at the ranch – ah stop it – back in the land down under, there has been more graffiti and other vandalism targeting Jewish property. It’s all anti-Semitic, Rupert’s paperboys are screaming evil, and presented as unjustifiably causing pain and suffering to the righteous persecuted. No one has been arrested and convicted beyond reasonable doubt, but our politicians for sure know who is responsible despite there been no advantage to be gained by those opposing the slaughter of children. There is talk of hefty mandatory punishments, and our prime minister has agreed to hold a meeting to discuss the government’s response. He also said the pro-Palestinian persons must remain calm during the ceasefire, sort of implying he knows who sneaked out on a moonless night to spray rude things on a wall. I’ve been to many protests and never saw anything other than Australians coming together to peacefully protest against genocide. It’s disturbing, and it shows how screwed up things are, that we even need to protest against a genocide.