We can be positive about the quiche not going flat, but where things matter most there’s not much cause for optimism. Below is a graph of global temperature anomaly since 1940.
Australia, like most nations, waffles on about putting children first, protecting the vulnerable, and building a better future for all, but the graph proves that’s a load of crap. Notice how the rate of warming has increased since the mid seventies, and especially the past two years which have left scientists scratching their heads, and praying it’s not indicative of a catastrophic increase in the rate of warming. There’s no reason to believe this acceleration will not continue because what needs to be done is not happening. Here in Australia the federal government set a target of 43% reduction in emissions by 2030, and five years out we are nowhere near on track to meet that target.
Below is another graph, which makes simple why the planet is heating up at an accelerating pace. It plots energy in and energy out, and it should be blatantly obvious that if the same amount is coming in and less going out the result will be a rise in temperature, but that’s a bit too much like rocket science for many. Maybe they do get it but their wants outweigh children’s right to grow up on a healthy planet. They are no different as criminals than drug dealers.